Featered Joomla Extensions

Fabrik list plugin - Table Edit

The Table Edit list plugin for Fabrik 3.9 allows you to quick edit data in the table. Supports data edit modes via inputs and selects (element plugin types: "databasejoin" or "dropdown").

DataTables Fabrik
DataTables for Fabrik adds advanced interaction controls to your tables and allows to view huge data based on Fabrik...
Fabirk Textarea Readonly Element

Fabrik element textarea plugin with readonly option.

Downloads: 3930
Fabirk Field Element

Fabrik element field plugin with remove special chars option (integer & decimal).

Downloads: 4084
Fabirk Table Edit
Fabrik list plugin for quick edit data in table. Supports text and lists (elements plugin type "databasejoin" or...
Advanced Tour - Catalog of tours (excursions)
Create your tour agency site with Advanced Tour. Quickstart installation package based on modern T4 framework is...
Last-Modified Joomla Any Content (If-Modified-Since)
Плагин Last-Modified (If-Modified-Since) для любого нужного вам контента Joomla....
TV and Video Streaming Schedule for Joomla

Create your schedule of TV programmes and video streaming based on Joomla CMS and All Video Share video player.

Events Schedule - расписание занятий, событий
Component creates events schedule of any activities by sections (sports, etc.) and categories. Компонент...
Калькулятор натяжных потолков
Joomla calculator stretch ceiling. Joomla калькулятор цены натяжных...
JForm Field Ordering
Plugin to ordering your items in the edit mode for any component. This one allows you to select right order position...
Downloads: 2683
Module SP Accordeon Pro
Shaper Accordion is a free Accordion Module which allows you to display your contents/articles with mootools effect....
Downloads: 4129
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FaLang translation system by Faboba

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