Fabrik list plugin - Table Edit

The Table Edit list plugin for Fabrik 3.9 allows you to quick edit data in the table. Supports data edit modes via inputs and selects (element plugin types: "databasejoin" or "dropdown").

Advanced Tour - Catalog of tours (excursions)
Joomla! 30
Version: 1.0.9 Release Date: 17 January 2020
Hits: 5270
0 vote
Create your tour agency site with Advanced Tour. Quickstart installation package based on modern T4 framework is available!


Tour Agency

Catalog display key features

  • "all-in-one" module of tours (best, new, most viewed /popular/, random);
  • search module for tours (category, type, date);
  • module for sending an order (request) for a tour / excursion;
  • list of tours with filtering block (category, type, date), display of adjacent tours and hotels is available;
  • list of hotels (with a search box on Booking) showing adjacent hotels and tours;
  • multilanguage support (Falang);
  • support for different devices (adaptability).

Catalog management key features

  • flexible custiomization for browser page title, page heading and tours (hotels) title on the page (Create good titles and snippets in Search Results);
  • manager of tours / excursions:
    • title, short description (overview), full description (tour program);
    • category, type of tour (individual, group, combined), kind of tour (tour, excursion);
    • main photo tour and several photos for the gallery;
    • country, departure, destination, route, duration;
    • different prices for individual and group tours with reference to the currency and type of payment (person, hour, 24h, group);
    • info about payment includes and excludes;
    • creating a list of dates for tours or just text (daily, etc.);
    • cross (related) tours;
    • suitable hotels (from the hotel catalog, available all-in-one);
  • manager of hotels:
    • title, short description (overview), full description;
    • type of hotel (hotel, motel, hostel);
    • hotel class (stars);
    • price with currency;
    • main photo of the hotel and photos for the gallery;
    • country, city, address;
    • website link;
    • link to Booking (affiliate program);
    • cross hotels and tours nearest;
  • displaying of requests (orders) for tours;
  • list of currencies with detailed display settings;
  • list of countries;
  • tour button for editor.
FaLang translation system by Faboba

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