Fabrik list plugin - Table Edit

The Table Edit list plugin for Fabrik 3.9 allows you to quick edit data in the table. Supports data edit modes via inputs and selects (element plugin types: "databasejoin" or "dropdown").

Fabirk Table Edit
Joomla! 30
Version: 1.0.3 Release Date: 08 January 2021
Hits: 2939
0 vote

Fabrik list plugin for quick edit data in table. Supports text and lists (elements plugin type "databasejoin" or "dropdown").


Fabrik list plugin for quick edit data in table. Supports text and lists (elements plugin type "databasejoin" or "dropdown"). Tested with Fabrik v.3.9.

  • supports dropdown elements (element plugin type: databasejoin, dropdown)
  • notifications on apply changes (success or error)
  • binding key event for ENTER and ESC during editing (apply or cancel changes)
  • multiselect editable elements from the table via CTRL or SHIFT
  • settings as other Fabrik list plugins
  • created plugin with quick edit support for text field elements in the lists
FaLang translation system by Faboba

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