DataTables for Fabrik (DT Fabrik) is a list view plugin which allows you to view huge data. This plugin adds advanced interaction controls to your tables based on Fabrik lists.
Goto demopage to see easy processing 1 million records
DT Fabrik key features
- Responsive table view;
- Fast data loading (Ajax supported), pagination and advanced search (text, numbers);
- Multi-column ordering (sort data by multiple columns at once);
- The Buttons extension for DataTables provides a common set of options, API methods and styling to display buttons on a page that will interact with a DataTable. Modules are also provided for data export, printing and column visibility control.;
- ColReorder extension — allows the end user to modify the column order of a table through drop-and-drag of column headers;
- FixedColumns "freezes" in place the left most columns in a scrolling DataTable, to provide a guide to the end user (for example an index column);
- The FixedHeader plug-in will freeze in place the header, footer and left and/or right most columns in a DataTable, ensuring that title information will remain always visible;
- StateRestore extends DataTables' stateSave option, allowing multiple states to be saved and reloaded at any time (current page, sorting, column ordering, search values);
- enhanced DT Fabrik plugin options: select Fabrik elements to view, sorting, searching, header fixing;
Buy this plugin and you'll get it with Fabrik List Legend plugin free of charge (see the demo).