Fabrik list plugin - Table Edit

The Table Edit list plugin for Fabrik 3.9 allows you to quick edit data in the table. Supports data edit modes via inputs and selects (element plugin types: "databasejoin" or "dropdown").

TV and Video Streaming Schedule for Joomla
Joomla! 30
Version: 1.1.7 Release Date: 06 August 2019
Downloads: 68 Hits: 10838
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Create your schedule of TV programmes and video streaming based on Joomla CMS and All Video Share video player.

Component creates schedule of TV programmes and video streaming based on Joomla CMS and All Video Share video player. You are allowed send to email the picked TV programmes from the list (simple HTML or PDF file).

Basic features:

  • TV programmes genres management;
  • TV programmes list management;
  • two types of TV Programme: Dynamic (you can select only dates), Persistent (you can select only days of week);
  • for dynamic TV programmes you can enter multiple value for broadcast time separated by comma, f.e.: 10:00,12:00,15:00;
  • for persistent (periodical) TV broadcasts you can fill by days of week the multiple value for broadcast time (separated by comma).
  • short remark for TV Programme wich can be shown as slogan at the frontend;
  • work with the calendar is organized, so that it would be more convenient to filter records and fill out the list of TV shows;
  • there is the possibility of batch copying (moving) of TV shows by dates;
  • you can set in the component settings the genre for the default display in the front, as well as the mode of filtering the TV shows by genre and navigation by week (without reloading the page or normal);
  • possibility to specify the operating mode of the TV Schedule module — filtering on the main genre or several at once;
  • possibility to set the cast of the film or TV host for the TV show;
  • TV filter depending on the genre;
  • you are allowed to select the article for TV programme or custom link for TV Programme's details;
  • linked image for TV programme item;
  • sending to email selected list of TV programmes in HTML / PDF format;
  • assigned (related) genres to the basic TV programme genre.
v.1.1.7 for Joomla 3.x
  • All Video Share component support for videos mode
v.1.1.6 for Joomla 3.x
  • todays tab now appears with class "active-date"
  • active programme row now appears with class "tvp_current"
v.1.1.5 for Joomla 3.x
  • some bugs with broadcast time fixed
  • added logic of priority for dynamic TV programme instead of periodical (persistent) one if they have the same broadcasting time;
  • helper functions to get yesterday or tomorrow TV programmes from the whole list; helpfull for TV Schedule Module, it is used with SIMPLE layout.
v.1.1.3 for Joomla 3.x
  • added some additional options
v.1.1.2 for Joomla 3.x
  • some bugs with DateTimeZone fixed
v.1.1.1 for Joomla 3.x
  • added some additional info to TV programme;
  • some changes into module TV Schedule
v.1.1.0 for Joomla 3.x
  • two types of TV Programme: Dynamic (you can select only dates), Persistent (you can select only days of week);
  • for dynamic TV programmes you can enter multiple value for broadcast time separated by comma, f.e.: 10:00,12:00,15:00;
  • for persistent (periodical) TV broadcasts you can fill by days of week the multiple value for broadcast time (separated by comma).
  • short remark for TV Programme wich can be shown as slogan at the frontend;
  • custom link for TV Programme's details
v.1.0.6 for Joomla 3.x
  • fixed frontend time processing depending on local and configuration settings
v.1.0.5 for Joomla 3.x
  • sending to email selected list of TV programmes in PDF-format
v.1.0.4 for Joomla 3.x
  • some bugs fixed;
  • assigned (related) genres to the basic TV programme genre
v.1.0.3 for Joomla 3.x
  • sending to email selected list of TV programmes in HTML-format
v.1.0.2 for Joomla 3.x
  • added linked image for TV programme item
v.1.0.1 for Joomla 3.x
  • TV programmes genres management;
  • TV programmes list management;
  • work with the calendar is organized, so that it would be more convenient to filter records and fill out the list of TV shows;
  • there is the possibility of batch copying (moving) of TV shows by dates;
  • you can set in the component settings the genre for the default display in the front, as well as the mode of filtering the TV shows by genre and navigation by week (without reloading the page or normal);
  • possibility to specify the operating mode of the TV Schedule module — filtering on the main genre or several at once;
  • possibility to set the cast of the film or TV host for the TV show;
  • TV filter depending on the genre;
  • you are allowed to select the article for TV programme or custom page link
FaLang translation system by Faboba

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